Monday, July 8, 2013

Split Personality (an idiom!)

I really don't know how some people can plan those 8-cities-in-3-countries-in-14-days trips without completely losing their minds.  I mean, mine is only really 4-locations-in-3-countries-in-18-days and it's getting confusing.  I will be on four planes, in six airports, on three trains (seven, if you count the changes), and four buses (not counting the tourist bus in Barcelona).  And that's just getting there and back.
I will also be on a variety of metros, shuttles, and taxis (hmm, and maybe a boat, but we'll see).
Now I'm trying to look at guidebooks to see what I might like to see and do, keeping in mind that I am traveling with other people who have their own ideas, too.  (And wanting to squeeze in some geocaching at each location.)  The fact that the other people are in the UK and Spain doesn't really add any difficulty, since we have the magic of Facebook at our disposal.
But I have trouble focusing on one place or the other.  I am very much looking forward to Scotland.... but also to being back in Spain....and meeting new people at Vaughantown.  They are all so different.  And I already know that I won't feel that I have had enough time in any of them.

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