Thursday, August 22, 2013

Next to Last

Today was a very long day.
All of the Spaniards were doing their 10 minute presentations and were nervous, using every last minute to practice with their one-to-one partners or still trying, last minute, to come up with something to talk about.  I had a total of five one-to-ones, and was part of the audience for one set of presentations.

At siesta, I went for one last swim in the fabulous pool, empty except for Katy and me.
                                                                   The perfect pool.

Two more one-to-ones, then a short group activity where we learned a dance that Australian kids do in high school, the nutbush.  It's sort of a line dance at a fast tempo that left most of us gasping for breath, but it was fun.

Dinner ran long tonight, and soon there will be music and dancing up at the little building.  We check out early in the morning, have two more one-to-ones followed by lunch, then the trip back to Madrid.
                             The dining room - note the blue Anglo chairs and the tan Spaniard chairs.

I am ready to head home.  I'm ready to wear clothes that were not washed in the sink, and get a cold (really cold) Diet Coke out of the fridge whenever I want.  I am ready to sleep in a little, go back to the gym, work on my pictures, and digest all of the great experiences I have had this trip.  I am very grateful to Sue and Igor for being great to travel with, to Lisa and Donna for being great hosts, to Jaime and Adrian for being wonderful tour guides, and to all of the Anglos and Spaniards of Vaughantown.  But it's time to go home.


  1. Have a relaxing and well deserve trip back to your home.
    And please, try to bring back all your gadgets and documents. ;)


    1. I have checked over and over, and everything is still with me - so far. But I still have two more travel days, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

  2. There's nothing like having a 'real' diet coke -- not the stuff they blend for the Europeans! Safe travels home.
