Sunday, August 25, 2013


I caught the 7:50 bus outside my hotel this morning for the 4 minute ride to Heathrow, and then I got on the Heathrow Express to T3 for my flight.  We sat on the train for a couple of minutes then they told us all to get off and go to a different platform.  Even with that tiny glitch, I was in line at the bag drop by 8:30.

Security was , um, very thorough.  My knee beeped, so I had to take off my shoes and be patted down.  Then I was wanded.  Then they asked me to put one foot up on a box and they wanded that leg, then the other (which beeped).  I asked, sort of joking, if she wanted to see my scar, and she said yes.  So I hiked up my pant leg and showed her.  The only other place I was patted down was in Glasgow.  I was sitting in the departure area by 9:10 for 9:45 boarding.  Perfect timing.

I have to say, Virgin Atlantic is great.  We had on-demand touch screen entertainment, and in addition to lunch and "tea", they came around and gave us ice cream bars!

We got into O'Hare a few minutes early. They now have an automated passport check where you feed your passport into the machine, it copies it, asks you all of the questions on the customs form, and then takes your picture and prints you a receipt.  Then you turn in the receipt after you get your bag.  They first sent us to the wrong carousel, and I got a little concerned when my bag never arrived.  Then the next one over started up, and everyone moved over.  I think mine was the next to last bag to come off the belt.

I thought I could catch the 3:00 bus, but it turns out that their schedule has changed, and it doesn't come til 5:25.  So here I sit.  But given the complexity of some of my travel, and the good breaks I got along the way, I can't really complain.


  1. Glad to know you arrived safe.


  2. Am exhausted just reading about your travels nancy, i hope you enjoyed them, it was lovely to get the chance to see you along the way! I hope youv fully recovered and i look forward to reading about your next adventure :-D xxx
